Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stylish Sunday: More Work Outfits

Hi friends and happy Sunday! :-)

I have been super slack in my posting lately, but life happens.  What can I say?!  Here's another work outfit post....I will just post the pictures of some of my outfits I have been wearing lately in case anyone out there needs a little inspiration that you can throw together things from your closet without having to spend a ton of money or be a fierce fashionista.

This outfit is actually not one of my favorites.  It's better for a day when I'm sitting at my desk and not moving around as much.  But I have worn it a couple of times.  I really like the dress but my blazer is a little tight under the arms and I haven't ventured to spend the money to purchase another yet, so if I end up having to do any kind of actual work, I usually take my blazer off.  The dress has a wide shoulder so it's fine to wear at work by itself, which is a bonus.
Blue Old Navy ruffle dress-probably $30
Black blazer from previous post-had for forever from Belk
Black flats with flower on toe-Rack Room Shoes-probably $20
 This outfit is fun--I've seen a lot of the tan and black lately, which is something I have always steered clear of.  I really like this outfit though and is surprisingly comfortable to work in.
Black Express pencil skirt from previous post (same as tan skirt)
Aqua Old Navy tshirt from forever ago
Khaki Old Navy 3/4 cardigan-$1 at a yard sale
Tan flats from DSW-around $30
 I like this outfit because I can be comfortable and actually move around and do things but it looks really classy and simple.  The black necklace adds a little extra pop too.  When it gets cooler here, I would probably add a cardigan over the top as well.
Black pants from NY&C-had for forever, probably around $30
Aqua button-up from Express-same as previous post
Black flats with flower on toe-same as above
Ok so that's all I've got for this post, but I will keep adding things as I wear them.  I am hoping in the next couple of months to be able to buy a few new pieces to add AND once we buy a new house, I have a ton of my clothes still in storage because our closet in the apartment wasn't large enough to hold everything.  So I will basically feel like I have gotten a new wardrobe then.  House-hunting is another post in itself so I will probably do that one day this week.

Until next time...have a great start to the week!  :-)

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